spam_tag3_level in SQL maps

Mark Martinec Mark.Martinec+amavis at
Fri Apr 15 01:48:22 CEST 2011


> Is there a reason that there isn't any default SQL support for
> spam_tag3_level like there is for spam_tag2_level?

No particular reason. The tag3_level is a late addition,
and I didn't feel a need to modify the SQL schema at the time
for this rarely used setting.

> Looks like all that would be required is to add the fields spam_tag3_level
> and  spam_subject_tag3 to the table, and the corresponding lines to map
> the sql lookup, right?
>       unshift(@Amavis::Conf::spam_tag3_level_maps,     
> $nf->('spam_tag3_level',      'N-'));
>       unshift(@Amavis::Conf::spam_subject_tag3_maps,   
> $nf->('spam_subject_tag3',    'S-'));



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